You are a part of many things bigger than yourself: a community of faith, a watershed, a movement to care for our Earth. Together, with hundreds of congregations across the watershed, you are transforming the legacy we will all leave behind. Will you join in our year-end fundraising campaign to help us grow?
In the 1980’s, the Chesapeake Bay was on the brink of environmental disaster. It has been a long and challenging struggle, but we see clear signs of recovery and resiliency. Fully realizing the goals of this unprecedented restoration effort will be one of the greatest environmental success stories in history. Will you help to do your part?
Make your donation to IPC today to support this work. Join us through your gift, or build a green team at your congregation, or get involved in your nearby hub and tap into our vast resources and partner organizations to help you be good stewards of the Earth. People of faith are united in their sense of responsibility to be good caretakers of the Earth.
Start with your own circle of influence. The science, politics, and solutions to so many global and regional issues can be complicated and leave people feeling overwhelmed or powerless. We remind folks to start with what they can impact in their own congregation and community. You can also have great impact by making a financial gift today – or an ongoing monthly recurring gift to support us well into the future.
Please join the movement by supporting the work of the Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake. Your contribution will sustain, reinforce, and make tangible our shared hope for a future in which all people have clean water, unpolluted air, and a thriving ecosystem.
Thank you!
Al Todd
Chair, Board of Trustees