This summer, Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC) is doubling down on healing our home the best way we know how.
So what does that look like? To us, healing our home means investing in real environmental change -- and in the congregations that are at the heart of our mission.
Healing our home means investing in a green and just future for the next generation; it means investing in the resources we need to move the dial on environmental efforts. It means mobilizing compassionate stakeholders like YOU to help us do that.
We need 5 new monthly donors to sustain our work through the challenging times ahead. We're asking for gifts of all sizes to help us expand the infrastructure we've established to strengthen our communities through environmental action.
How will you choose to make a difference?
And did you hear the news? Throughout the month of July, IPC will donate a portion of every gift to purchase Back Up Boxes from the Maryland Food Bank. In this way, your contribution will have twice the impact, supporting our crucial environmental efforts while offering hunger relief to a family in need.
Every gift counts, and we are deeply grateful for your continued support.
Thank you for joining us in this effort to heal our home.