This year we have continued to receive the gifts from all of our volunteers of their time, talent and treasure, shared with us throughout the weeks and months of what has been a particularly challenging time for us all.
We’d like to take a moment to thank our volunteers and also highlight just a few of the folks who have gone above and beyond to make a remarkable difference in the way we communicate with everyone.
Have you noticed that our social media accounts are more active this year? That’s thanks in large part to Kaitlin Kulich, who reached out to us this spring and offered to help manage our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Each week since then, she diligently takes the time to set up all the social media posts and help keep everyone up to date on the many events going on in the region and the environmental stewardship actions that congregations are taking. Check out one of our favorite Facebook video posts that she put together for us to welcome back the bluebirds this spring.
Another volunteer, Tom Rhoads, has written, produced, edited, and directed non-theatrical film and video productions for many years. Now that he is retired, he has taken time to write a novel (Ned, the Impresario of Columbus, Kansas). He also continues to do edits and some directing for clients and others when asked. And whenever anyone from the IPC team asks, we can count on him to help compile and edit our videos, including this short ad for our Faithful Green Leaders Training. Tom has spent endless hours editing our videos and working with us through numerous updates with no complaints!
And last but not least is Mark Wright. Mark has been leading the Environmental Stewardship Committee at Christ Episcopal Church in Rockville for the past few years. But he doesn’t stop there. He is also a skilled writer, and some of you who were part of our Faithful Green Leader’s training may have noticed his name as the author of one of the prayers that we shared during those gatherings. This year he also joined IPC’s Development/Fundraising committee where he has served by helping us think of new and creative ways to support our work.
We continue to be forever grateful for the time that Kaitlin, Tom, Mark, and others have devoted to supporting us. What a blessing!
If you have talents that you would like to share please let us know by completing our volunteer form here.
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