What is the congregational catalyst for action?...
Signing IPC’s Partner Congregation Pledge!
Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake’s Partner Congregation Pledge is one visible, powerful tool through which congregations can demonstrate their long-term dedication to stewardship. It is part of IPC’s “trifecta”: in the ground projects, Faithful Green Leaders Training, and of course, the Pledge. In-the-ground projects, such as tree plantings, rain barrels, and conservation landscaping all provide qualitative water quality benefits to the Chesapeake. Faithful Green Leaders Training sets the stage for congregation members to take meaningful actions in their own community, and spread the message of stewardship. The Pledge outlines what continued commitment to stewardship looks like: it asks that congregations engage their communities, maintain and restore their facilities with care to the Earth, and advocate for all communities to have access to a healthy environment. In many ways, the Pledge is a powerful tool to guide congregations forward through the stewardship journey, laying out what a faithfully green congregation will do.
Get your congregation's pin on our map! When you sign the pledge we will add your congregation to our growing list on our Partner Congregation page HERE. This is a great way for potential new members who are searching for a congregation with environmentally like-minded people to find YOUR congregation. Partner Congregations join a collective of congregations whose commitment to the environment runs deep. The Partner Congregation Page serves as a resource for congregations to connect with others in their area dedicated to stewardship to further propel broader community action.
While there are a number of reasons that a congregation may choose to sign the Pledge, the IMAAM Center in Silver Spring, Maryland signed as they were “driven by their responsibility as steward of this Earth” and have “started to partner with several environmentally-focused organizations”. Since signing the Pledge, “this partnership has [had] a tremendous impact on IMAAM which has received numerous support from the partners, as well as on our individual congregation members who increase their knowledge, awareness, and positive behavior towards protecting and restoring our shared watershed.”. For the IMAAM Center, the Partner Pledge was a gateway to closer working relationships with environmental organizations that allow them to fulfill their responsibility to the Earth. Likewise, these connections and a shared dedication to stewardship helped congregation members get involved with environmental action.
Signing the Pledge can also be a catalyst for action within congregations. Bethesda-Preston United Methodist Church, in Preston, Maryland, signed the Partner Pledge in July of 2022. Since, they’ve had a site visit to evaluate how their historic facility can be “more green”. For Bethesda-Preston, signing the Pledge solidified a commitment to the environment held deeply within the congregation, which worships along the shores of the Choptank River during warm months.
Likewise, participating in the Partner Congregation Pledge doesn’t stop with signing. All congregations that sign the Pledge are provided with a Pledge poster that includes the words of the Pledge, flowing through a river-esque backdrop of blues and gold. The Pledge poster can be displayed within congregations, reminding members of their house of worship’s continued promise to care for creation. And in certain regions it is a step to earning $500 of seed funding to advance your "green mission".
Does your congregation have a commitment to environmental stewardship? Looking for a catalyzing action to take as you set down the green-brick road?
Check out the Partner Congregation Pledge!
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