Join us for a virtual legislative briefing jointly sponsored by IPC, Interfaith Power & Light, and Earth Forum of Howard County on Sunday, January 31, 2-3:30pm.
You will learn about how to engage the faith community in key environmental issues for the 2021 Maryland Legislative Session. We're going to focus on the following bills:
- Coal Community Transition
- Climate Solutions Now Act
- Transit Equity Recovery Package
- Plastic Bag Reduction Act
- Environmental Human Rights Amendment
Here's the flow of the program:
Opening Prayer
Significance of People of Faith in Legislative Advocacy
Importance of Chlorpyrifos Veto Override
Keynote Speaker State Delegate Wanika Fisher
Introductions on Each of the Bills
Breakout Rooms for specific legislative bills (choose below)
Resources, Next Steps
Closing Prayer
You are invited to select one issue in order to join a breakout room for a deeper dive into that issue.
When you register below click on the issue you choose.
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