Where Bright Side Baptist Church 515 Hershey Ave, Lancaster, PA 17603, United States
Contact Katie Ruth [email protected] 7174248560

logo.pngThe Common Wheel is joining forces with the Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake for a family-friendly slow ride style bike tour of some congregations in Lancaster City who care deeply about watershed stewardship. The goal of this tour is to highlight existing environmental projects at faith communities while engaging and building the interfaith community. You'll also be learning about bicycle safety and group riding. It's a wonderful opportunity to see the city from a new perspective and have fun, too!
OneWaterPartnershipLogo_blue.jpgThe ride will visit a total of 6 congregations (Brightside Baptist, Grace Lutheran, Grandview Church, East Chestnut Mennonite, St James Episcopal, Trinity Lutheran), beginning and ending at Brightside Baptist. The total mileage for the ride is expected to be around 7 miles. At a few stops along the way, opportunities to refill your water bottle (please bring your own!) and use the restroom will be available. Masks must be worn at all times when entering congregational premises. You can see a map with the planned location stops here. Please dress appropriately, it may be cold. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be postponed to the Spring.
This event is being sponsored by local partners and offered free of charge. Registrations are limited to 50 - if you are bringing children (encouraged!), please be sure to add them to your registration. Signing a safety waiver is required for participation.

Go here to register!

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