On Sunday, March 13th Interfaith Partners had the privilege of helping to host our 3rd installment of the Chesapeake Conversations event series: “Telling Youth Climate Stories”.

Let’s recap!

SAVE THE DATE! Part 4 is just around the corner, join us for Chesapeake Conversations: Celebrating Clean Water on April 27th @ 6:30pm and come join us for a celebration of earth month, clean water, and the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act! See details below.

Register HERE for Part 4!

What did you miss in Part 3: Telling Youth Climate Stories??

Maria Salazar, an IPC intern based in Lancaster PA, has written a special summary of this impactful event, why it was so special to her, and what it was all about! We’d love to share it with you.

Keep reading Maria’s event recap HERE!

Special thanks to our host, Grandview Church for opening its doors for our climate focused Chesapeake Conversation!


Join us next for Chesapeake Conversations: Celebrating Clean Water!
April 27th @ 6:30pm [virtual]

Interested?? Register HERE!

2022 marks a special year for one of America's most important pieces of clean water legislation.  It’s the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act, and we think there is a LOT to celebrate!

On Wednesday, April 27th at 6:30pm, join Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake’s - One Water Partnership, and our panel of clean water policy experts for a special virtual discussion celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act, current "state-of-the-bay", and how we will continue fighting for clean water together.

Through film, presentations, and discussion, participants will learn about the 50 year legacy of the Clean Water Act, and what it means to be a steward of the Chesapeake Bay.

What is the Clean Water Act? 

The Clean Water Act (CWA) established our nation's basic structure for monitoring and regulating pollutants being discharged into the waters of the United States.  For 50 years the Clean Water Act has been instrumental in shifting our societies behavior around the treatment of water, and has served as a major catalyst for the healthful transformation of many of our nation's impaired waterways!

“If you’ve swum, waded, or enjoyed a tasty meal straight from the Chesapeake, then you have the Clean Water Act to thank!” says Taylor Swanson of Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, the event organizer. “We just have so much to be thankful for!”

Who are the Panelists?

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we have assembled a panel of regional Chesapeake Bay policy experts from three of the Bay’s most important environmental policy organizations, each of whom have been able to utilize the Clean Water Act first-hand, and other similar pieces of legislation, to influence positive environmental change across the Chesapeake Bay. 

Ann Swanson, from the Chesapeake Bay Commission, has served as a steadfast leader in the Bay restoration for 39 years, the last 34 as the Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a tri-state legislative authority serving the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.  The Commission's leadership covers a full spectrum of Bay issues: from managing living resources and conserving land, to protecting water quality.  Its goal then – and now – is to be a catalyst for the coordination and leadership of State legislative and policy action to restore the Bay watershed.

Betsy Nicholas, the Executive Director of WATERKEEPERS® Chesapeake, the regional coalition of 17 Waterkeepers protecting the rivers and streams of the Chesapeake and Coastal Bays Watersheds.  Since joining in 2012, Mrs. Nicholas has been a steadfast advocate for clean water and a healthy environment by supporting Waterkeeper organizations throughout the Chesapeake and coastal regions as they protect their communities, rivers, and streams from pollution. 

Katlyn Schmitt J.D., is a Center for Political Reform (CPR) Policy Analyst, joining in 2020 to work on environmental policy, enforcement, and advocacy.  Before joining CPR, Mrs. Schmitt spent four years working as the Legal and Policy Director for Waterkeepers Chesapeake, where she provided legal assistance to Waterkeepers and advocated for legislative and regulatory priorities in Maryland, D.C., Virginia, and Pennsylvania.


Join us for part four of the Chesapeake Conversations series and join us for a celebration of clean water!!

We hope to see you there!

Register HERE!