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Apr 27, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time
Meeting ID: 838 0181 0995
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+1(301)715-8592, US (Washington DC)
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How will we celebrate??
On Wednesday, April 27th at 6:30pm, Join our panel of clean water policy experts us for a special discussion about the 50 year legacy of the Clean Water Act, the "state-of-the-bay", and how we will continue fighting for clean water together!
Through film, presentations, and discussion, let's learn about the 50 year legacy of the Clean Water Act, and what it means to be a faithful steward of the Chesapeake Bay!
Guest speakers and panelists from...
Ann Swanson - Executive Director
Chesapeake Bay Commission:
Ann Swanson has served as a leader in the Bay restoration for 39 years, the last 34 as the Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a tri-state legislative authority serving the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
The Commission's leadership covers a full spectrum of Bay issues: from managing living resources and conserving land, to protecting water quality. Its goal then – and now – is to be a catalyst for the coordination and leadership of State legislative and policy action to restore the Bay watershed.
Betsy Nicholas - Executive Director
Betsy Nicholas is the Executive Director of WATERKEEPERS® Chesapeake, the regional coalition of 17 Waterkeepers protecting the rivers and streams of the Chesapeake and Coastal Bays Watersheds.
Since joining in 2012, Mrs. Nicholas has been a steadfast advocate for clean water and a healthy environment by supporting Waterkeeper organizations throughout the Chesapeake and coastal regions as they protect their communities, rivers, and streams from pollution.
Previously, she worked for several years as a trial attorney in the Environmental and Natural Resources Division of U.S. Department of Justice, and as General Counsel for Chattahoochee Riverkeeper in Atlanta, GA for more than five years.
Katlyn Schmitt - Political Analyst
Center for Progressive Reform:
Katlyn Schmitt, J.D., is a CPR Policy Analyst. She joined CPR in 2020 to work on environmental policy, enforcement, and advocacy.
Before joining CPR, Mrs. Schmitt spent four years working as the Legal and Policy Director for Waterkeepers Chesapeake, where she provided legal assistance to Waterkeepers and advocated for legislative and regulatory priorities in Maryland, D.C., Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
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