The hands of fate are beating upon the drums of strife and turmoil...

There is no denying 2020 has been a year that will long be remembered. We have all encountered challenges that just a few months ago would have been unimaginable. We have suffered loss, borne and witnessed the pain of systemic and deadly racism, traversed a heated and divisive national election, and navigated a new norm of social distancing that often prevents us from gathering with those we love during these trying times. 

...but it is worth remembering stones do not become smooth in calm waters.  

We are blessed as people of faith to have a foundation upon which to weather this storm. This is not to say we are immune to the hardships we are living through. I would venture to guess not one among us has been completely free of feelings of anxiety and despair the last few months. We are all only human after all. Rather, what our faith provides is something we can draw upon to provide us hope and strength to continue moving forward, to lend a hand to those that need it, and to do so with love, compassion, and grace. 

Click Here to Read IPC's 2020 Annual Report

This year, despite all of the hurdles we faced:

With each new challenge 2020 has given us, we have seen our congregation's rise to the occasion. We’ve seen you adapt in how you worship, meet the changing needs of your communities, and, through it all, continue to find ways to live out our communal call to honor, restore, and protect the life-sustaining blessing of Creation here in the Chesapeake region.


Will you join us in this movement and support this work with a financial gift?

As we look ahead to 2021, we are energized and hopeful about our ambitious goals for the year ahead. We envision over 150 congregations will sign our IPC Partner Congregation Pledge (Click here to learn how your congregation can sign), we plan to see 15 more restoration projects installed on congregational properties, and we aim to assist 40 more congregations launch or strengthen green teams in 2021.

We couldn’t do this work without the generous support of individuals like you!

This year has been tough, but we have weathered it together and we are stronger because of it. 

Thank you for shining your light in times of darkness and we look forward to what tomorrow will bring as we grow this movement to care for Creation together.

You can make your annual or monthly contribution to IPC by clicking here now.

This year, through the generosity of a group of donors,

$7,500 in matching funds are available to double the impact of your contribution!

Thank you to the following people who have pledged this match challenge: 

Bill Breakey, past Board Member 

Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin, past Board Member 

Charlie Conklin, past Board Member 

George Fisher, past Board Member 

Rev. Mary Gaut, past Board Member 

Bill Halpern, past Board Member 

Linda Hannifin Bonner, past Board Member 

George Kaplan, generous donor 

Steve Linhard, past Board Member 

Suzy Merryman, past Board Member 

Rev. John Rosenberg, generous donor 

Rev. Dottie Yunger, past Executive Director

You can also contribute in additional ways this year: