
We should seek a world where all communities have equal access to public transportation, job opportunities, all in a safe and healthy environment. There should be equity in how each of us has access to employment, school, and recreation. 

Bill Numbers

This is a package of two separate bills:

Transit Safety Investment Act - HB0114 / SB0199
Electric Bus Transition Act - HB0334 / SB0137


  • Transit Safety Investment Act:
    • House: Delegates Lierman, Bagnall, Feldmark, Healey, Kerr, R. Lewis, Smith, Solomon, Stein, Terrasa
    • Senate: Sentors McCray, Zucker
  • Electric Bus Transition Act:
    • House: Delegate Korman
    • Senate: Senator Zucker

Take Action

  1. Sign this petition, being circulated by the Maryland League of Conservation Voters, which makes it easier for you to contact your state legislators about HB0144/SB0119. Join your voices with other Marylanders and magnify the push for a safe, clean, and reliable transit system.
  2. Call or email your legislators. Here is testimony we already submitted in support of these bills - you are welcome to use this text and alter it to make it your own. Not sure who your representatives are? Visit and enter your address to look up your state representatives and their contact information. 

Transit safety Investment Act - HB0114/SB0199
Electric Bus Transition Act - HB0334/SB0137

If Passed, What Would These Bills Do?

This package contains two pieces of legislation: the Transit Safety and Investment Act of 2021, and the Zero-Emission Bus Transition Act of 2021. The Transit Safety and Investment Act will provide $123M in funds for maintenance of MTA buses, light and heavy rail, and commuter buses - all while creating middle class jobs likely to be held by women and people of color.

The Zero-Emission Bus Transition Act of 2021 mandates that starting in 2024, all public transit contracts for buses purchased by the state will be zero-emission vehicles. The bill also calls for this transition to an all-zero-emission fleet to be completed by 2035. Electric vehicles reduce health risks from air pollution, improve air quality, and reduce health care costs especially for low-income communities and students who use buses to get to school. 

Environmental Justice Implications/Equity

Baltimore has a high public transit ridership and many people rely on public transit to get to work, access health care and go to school. By increasing funding for maintenance, Maryland will be putting underserved communities first and investing critical dollars to meet their transportation needs -- all while working to address climate change with cleaner public transit planning. Zero-emissions buses will protect those who live along bus routes, as well as those who drive and ride public buses. Organizations led by people of color have helped shape this legislation: NAACP, Job Opportunities Task Force, Associated Black Charities, CASA, Maryland Transit Equity Alliance, and Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance. Join Maryland Catholics in supporting this bill.