Hot off the presses, we excitedly share with you our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan. This ambitious plan lays out 5 overarching goals and key outcomes of success. You can read the whole plan here and an abbreviated summary here. Below are some key outcomes over the next three years that we hope will excite you and inspire you to join us in this work!

  • Leverage $2-3M to accelerate watershed restoration, environmental justice, health, and climate resiliency
  • Start 2 new hubs, while continuing to invigorate the existing 5 hubs
  • Install 27 acres of conservation projects
  • Create 20+ Action Kits to equip congregations to take action and restore environmental justice
  • 50 congregations make public statements about environmental justice or other legislative priorities
  • 2,000 people in IPC’s network lobby their elected representatives at the state or local level 
  • Launch 100 new green teams and establish a green team mentorship program
  • A green team summit and State of Creation Care report are launched to galvanize green teams into action
  • Young adult programming is tested
  • 200 new congregations sign the Partner Congregation Pledge

We’re honored to be locking arms with you to restore the Chesapeake’s sacred waters, shared lands, and beloved communities. Thank you for any help you can give as we advance our mission!