Where Bright Side Baptist Church 515 Hershey Ave, Lancaster, PA 17603, United States
Contact Francine 717-575-0581

Get ready to garden!

Come on out to Bright Side Baptist Church for two workshops on planting! These workshops are geared towards gardeners who would like to grow vegetables or plants for pollinators, but are just getting started. Classes include instruction and hands-on demonstrations by Penn State Extension Master Gardeners. 

Vegetable class will run from 9:00AM until 10:30AM, and cover gardening in small spaces, such as porches and balconies. Participants will be provided a container garden and the cost to register is $40.

Native plant class will run from 10:30AM until 12:00PM. Each registrant will receive a large container, soil, and five perennials. Cost to register is $40.

Please contact Francine at 717-575-0581 to register!

Bright Side Baptist Church Planting Workshop promoted by Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake