14 years 346 days to go
Saturday, December 31, 2039 at 11:59pm
At Rockville United Church, they believe in respecting the earth God created, and recognizing their responsibility as God’s stewards to care conscientiously for all creation.
The mission of the RUC Earth Care Committee includes working to raise awareness, education, and outreach within their congregation and throughout their community, and practicing green standards in care and maintenance of all property outside the church building.
The areas of responsibility for the RUC Earth Care Committee include the following:
- Manage year-round the church grounds to meet government code and regulation; and apply green standards to care and maintain all property outside the church building --- including plantings, mowing, weeding, snow removal, parking lot and sidewalks, trees, shrubs, and pest elimination.
- Educate and enable RUC members to practice the principles of environmental stewardship.
- Provide input to other standing committees on environmental impact as asked.
- Minimize the use of non-biodegradable disposable products, maximize the use of sustainable organic practices and products.
- Investigate mitigating the water runoff from RUC property into the water drainage system and into the Chesapeake Bay.
- Partner with our denominations and other nonprofit organizations dedicated to spiritual growth and understanding of our earth as a precious commodity.
- Earn and maintain certifications as an Earth Care Congregation from the National Presbytery and as Green Justice Congregation from the United Church of Christ.
For more information on Rockville United Church, click here.
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