Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 9:00am
3 hrs
St. Luke's Restoration of Nature Volunteer Opportunity
The rains of this summer and fall have made for a flourishing growing season for all of our native plantings. Unfortunately, the invasive vines have exploited the benign growing conditions, as well; and they have not been slowed down by the COVID pandemic, as have our maintenance efforts. Consequently we are having another Project Clean Stream on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14, 9:00 A.M. TO NOON. Please save the date and mark your calendars to come out and help us remove invasive species and plant native ground cover in the woodlands of this 4-acre restored indigenous Chesapeake Coastal Plain watershed.
Please register for the event at The Alliance so we can monitor the number of participants.
As before in response to the pandemic, we will not be offering our usual snacks or lunch. Please bring snacks or a bag lunch and a water bottle. The church undercroft will be open for restrooms. Masks will be worn when giving/receiving instructions, passing out tools, and walking to worksites. Work areas will be widely separated so that masks will not be needed when working. Lightweight long pants and a long-sleeve shirt are recommended.
Thank you for all you do to support clean water and the health of the Chesapeake Bay.
Chuck Gallegos and Anne Arms
Co-chairs, St. Luke's Environmental Committee
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