Contact Martha Ruffin [email protected]


Join Church of the Redeemer, a One Water Partnership Partner Pledge Congregation at their annual Native Plant Sale. New and exciting addition this year - Wild Ones of Greater Baltimore will be leading a tour of Redeemer’s north parking lot and talking about the native plants and stormwater remediation efforts incorporated in the design.

Our small, local vendors will be selling native plants which they raise and sell themselves, including beautiful native flowers and grasses, shrubs and trees. The main purpose of our native plant sale is to provide an opportunity to learn how we can recreate a more sustainable world by eliminating practices that destroy the balance of nature.

Valuable information will be available at our exhibit tables including:NativePlantSales2018.jpg

  • What native plants to use, and when to plant them;
  • How to convert noxious, expensive and high maintenance lawns into lovely, low maintenance native landscapes that will stop runoff while protecting our native species.
  • A beekeeper will exhibit and sell the plants she uses for her bees, as well as honey from their hives.
  • Our local park at Lake Roland will have information about educational programs and recreational opportunities for both children and adults.
  • Parking lot stormwater retrofit tours
  • Other nature-based organizations such as IPC, Blue Water Baltimore, Baltimore Bird Club, Lights Out Baltimore, and more will have information about sustainable practices that protect the well being of our air, waterways, natural resources, and the creatures that depend on them, including ourselves.
  • Scout Troop 35 will be there to sell doughnuts and coffee and to carry purchases to your car.

Come, visit, enjoy and learn!

Volunteers are needed to provide information, help set up, staff exhibits and clean up. Please contact Martha Ruffin [email protected] if you'd like to volunteer! What a great way to learn how to do this at your congregation.

More information can be found on our Facebook Event page:   


Will you come?