Those of us who live in the Chesapeake Bay watershed know that the challenges to our ecosystems and our communities are complex. We also know that together, as people of faith, we can face them and resolve the obstacles that stand in the way.
Join Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake’s - One Water Partnership Team for the next installment of Chesapeake Conversations: Healing Habitats, Landscaping with Creation, which is all about how we can become better stewards of the Chesapeake by increasing habitat health through the use of native species.
Chesapeake Conversations dives into four prominent topics surrounding stewardship of the Chesapeake Bay:
- Disruption: Baltimore’s Highway to Nowhere (January) (Recording HERE)
- Healing Habitats, Landscaping with Creation (February)
- Telling Youth Climate Stories (March)
- Celebrating Earth Day & Clean Water Policy! 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act (April)
Part 2: Healing Habitats, Landscaping with Creation
Like our January conversation surrounding “Disruption: Baltimore’s Highway to Nowhere,” “Healing Habitats” is virtual, free, and open to the public. Hosted by IPC’s Lower Shore One Water Partnership Hub on Wednesday, Feb. 16, this promises to be an informative event about the importance of native plant species in helping to restore vibrant ecosystems across the Chesapeake watershed – and highlights an exciting new lawn ordinance recently adopted by the city of Salisbury that makes installation of “pocket meadows” a legal practice for city residents.
This February 16 panel discussion features presentations by:
- Dr. Jeurel Singleton (aka “Dr. Bug”), an entomologist and professor who retired from the University Eastern Shore. She earned her doctorate from the University of Ottawa and has spent her career researching invertebrates and the habitats that support them around the world. She is also a member of the Green Team at St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church in Salisbury
- Alyssa Hastings, is the city of Salisbury’s first Sustainability Specialist. She oversees projects that range from managing the city’s sustainability planning process and its Green Business program, to implementing environmental projects that include community cleanup efforts. She recently oversaw the adoption of the city’s new lawn ordinance allowing “pocket meadows.” She is also a member of the Wicomico Environmental Trust’s Board of Directors.
- Kate Patton, has served as the Executive Director of the Lower Shore Land Trust (LSLT) since 2006. During this time, the LSLT has launched several initiatives to help landowners restore native habitat on Maryland’s Lower Shore. This includes restoration projects led by the LSLT and the launch of a Pollinator Garden Certification Program for homeowners in the region to highlight their efforts.
After the presentation, feel free to stick around to ask questions and discover how you could encourage a similar program in your region. This is a virtual event. Once you are registered, we will send you the Zoom link on Monday, Feb. 14.
Register HERE
Part 3: Telling Youth Climate Stories
Join Lancaster One Water Partnership hub for a youth-focused event on Sunday March 13th 1pm-3pm. We recognize the power and importance of youth voices in the climate conversation. Dr. Bethany Wiggin of Penn Program in Environmental Humanities will be joining us to discuss her research project, My Climate Story.
Our goal for this session is to empower youth voices and provide strategic tools to do so. Dr. Wiggin's presentation will be followed by facilitated discussion in small groups. You can join virtually, hold a watch party, or come in-person if you are near Lancaster.
Register HERE!
Re-Cap, Part 1: Highway to Nowhere
In January we dove into an environmental justice-themed conversation about the construction of Baltimore’s I-170, a failed U.S. highway that’s now known as the “highway to nowhere.”
This failed project caused severe damage to many of Baltimore’s most vibrant Black communities, leaving a wake of near-irreparable damage to the communities it bisected.
After the film, we held an deep and resounding panel discussion into the long term effects of the project and heard about possible ways that healing could happen. Check out the recording and hear what our panelists had to say!
Watch the recording of the event HERE!
Please join us again in March and April for our continuation of the program and to learn how you can make a difference in your watershed. Keep an eye on our events page for more information, updates and details about the next event! We hope to see you there!
Part 3: Telling our Climate Stories – March 13, 2022, 1-4 p.m.
Part 4: Celebrating Clean Water Policy! – April 27, 7-8:30 p.m.
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