As you may have noticed, our website has received a facelift! We are thrilled with the new look and we hope you are as well. 2020 has been a year full of unexpected changes but this is a welcome one! We encourage you to explore the new site and we hope it will be a place you can frequent often to learn about upcoming local and watershed-wide events, access resources that will make your congregation's creation care work stronger, and connect with other faith communities within IPC's growing network of partner congregations working to restore, protect, and honor the sacred gifts of creation that bless us here in the Chesapeake region.
It is this last point that probably has me the most excited about our new online presence. For the first time, IPC will be able to display both the breadth and the depth of our extended network of Partner Congregations via an online map that will allow us to provide information about not only where all of your wonderful faith communities are located, but also provide information about the inspirational work you all are doing on behalf of our shared watershed. You can check out this growing network by clicking here.
I'm sure some of you are wondering, "How do I get my congregation listed on this map?" Well, the answer is quite simple, all we ask is that your congregation sign our Partner Congregation Pledge and that you do so with the full backing and support of your faith community's leadership. You can access a printable copy of the pledge here and you can also sign our Partner Congregation Pledge online by clicking here.
So, what does IPC's Partner Congregation Pledge ask of faith communities? You can read the full Pledge here, but in summary, it asks congregations to commit to the following:
- Celebrate, respect, and revere the Earth’s blessings
- Demonstrate good stewardship in how you manage your congregation’s land and facilities
- Engage members of your faith community in the work of caring for the environment
- Embrace the mission of Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake to work together with other congregations to protect and restore our shared watershed
If your congregation wants to join this growing movement of faith communities coming together to heal the Chesapeake, we encourage you to please sign our pledge. We are looking forward to continuing the effort to grow and formalize this movement in the months ahead and we hope all of you will join us in being part of this special and worthwhile cause.
As always, our staff is ready to assist you and answer any questions you might have. Please reach out to either myself, Matt Heim at [email protected] or Bonnie Sorak at [email protected] if you would like more information. We’re here to help!
Blessings to all of you.
Yours in service,
Matthew Heim
One Water Partnership Director
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