We have a stellar line up of inspirational speakers for our upcoming Faithful Green Leader Training!

Oct. 14 - Rose Berger is Senior Editor of Sojourners Magazine and active with Watershed Discipleship, founded by one of our past speakers, theologian Ched Myers. She is a passionate speaker about why caring for our local waters is a act of social justice and healing.

Oct. 21 - Rabbi Fred Sherlinder-Dobb has a long history of environmental activism both within his congregation at Adat Shalom in Potomac and beyond. He currently serves as Chair of the Coalition for the Environment (COEJL).  He will speak about the Jewish roots of caring for creation and all our faith's calling to be good stewards of the land and waters. 

Oct. 28 - Bill McKibben, founder of the climate change action organization, 350.org will speak about why we as people of faith can bring an important moral message to inspire others to be engaged in this vital work. 

The training begins on October 14 at 7-8:30pm and is followed by 2 consecutive sessions on October 21 and 28 at the same time.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • How to establish and grow a green team at your congregation
  • About exciting environmental education programs to engage your congregation
  • How to develop an action plan for your Green Team
  • Ways to enhance your communication skills to help spread the word

If you haven't signed up already please register here.  October 12 is the deadline!