Govans Presbyterian Church is located in the Jones Falls watershed in Baltimore. Their vibrant green team has been leading activities for years, from movie nights to Climate in the Pulpits to trash clean-up's and tree give-away's. A significant undertaking was the installation of a bioretention practice and conversion of an old brick courtyard into permeable pavers. Together this project treats nearly 30,000 square feet of impervious surface. After installation of the plantings in the bioretention practice, a large storm blew through and washed away all of the new plants. This didn't deter them or their partners, Blue Water Baltimore, who determined the cause of the problem. They retooled, fixed the drainage problem and replanted all of the plants! Govans also hosted a community movie night at the movie theater down the street showing an environmental film -- and over 100 people attended. To learn more about this congregation, click here.
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