Kol Shalom is a congregation located in Annapolis. The Kol Shalom logo pays tribute to Etz Chaim, the tree of life, and the natural beauty surrounding their sanctuary. They aim to celebrate this natural beauty by doing their part to steward their sanctuaries' grounds.
Through IPC, they were able to apply for a series of grants which enabled them to complete tree plantings, native gardens, and to install a bioswale to help mitigate stormwater runoff from their congregation's roof and steep hillside. Thanks to this work, they see less erosion and are doing their part to help the Chesapeake Bay and heal their community's waterways.
Additionally, Kol Shalom has led a variety of environmentally focused programming, and even has a special Tree of Life Preschool with a nature-based program. For more information on Congregation Kol Shalom, click here.
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