
Here at IPC, we believe that our job as people of faith is to honor our Creator by honoring our Earth and our neighbors. Last year, legislation was introduced to close six coal plants in the state of Maryland. Thankfully this year, only two remain without plans to shut down. Join us as we prayerfully advocate for the ending of the coal era in a way that does not leave workers stranded without fair transition to greener, cleaner jobs. 

Bill Numbers, Sponsors: 

  • HB0066 - Delegates Brooks and Barve
  • SB0148 - Senators West and Feldman

If Passed, What Would the Bill Do?

  • Close the 2 remaining coal-fired electric power production facilities in Maryland.
  • Provide retraining and transition support for affected workers and communities.
  • Result in cleaner air and water in neighboring communities.

"Bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free." (Luke 4:18) 

Environmental Justice Implications: 

Coal-fired plants have historically been sighted in marginalized communities. The Chalk Point Generating Station was built adjacent to the oldest African-American community in Maryland (Eagle Harbor) and the discharge of the heated water is routed just outside its harbor on the Patuxent River. The Brandon Shores Power Plant and Herbert A. Wagner Generating Station are located near poor and disadvantaged communities in northern Anne Arundel County and southern Baltimore City. Closing Maryland’s coal-fired power plants is necessary to truly fight for justice for all people and to eliminate disparities in how healthy the environment is in certain communities.