Christ Our Anchor Presbyterian Church launched a Green Team in February of 2021 with about 8-10 members, who plan to do a full assessment of their property as well as processes around worship, education of all ages and day-to-day office business. Their Green Team leader also has a relationship with Watershed Stewards Academy, who is offering guidance on future projects that would be most impactful.
When Christ Our Anchor signed the pledge, they put together this incredible video to let their church members know what was happening and celebrated Earth Day with a special Zoom service (due to Covid-19). Then, following the service, they had a drive-by signing for members of their congregation to join the stewardship effort! The first 30 signers all received a re-usable bag, filled with goodies like seeds, stormwater information, and thoughtful prayers to share, enjoy, and reflect on. Big smiles were all that was to be seen at Christ Our Anchor on that Sunday!
The parade of new arrivals continued for hours. Members of Christ Our Anchor continued to stream in all morning and afternoon by foot, bike, car, and hybrid alike. Each member, of any age, had a chance to step up and add their name to the pledge; many choosing to incorporate flowers, bees, and happy critters alike into their signatures.
To learn more about this congregation, visit their website here.
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