Want to help us inspire more churches, synagogues, and temples to plant trees, rain gardens, and educate their members? Then join in these upcoming community days of giving!

MCCThemeGraphic_transparent-background-50perc.pngIn Maryland...

The Maryland Charities Campaign helps State Employees and Retirees make payroll deductions to support hundreds of organizations in Maryland. IPC is an approved organization this year so sign up to pledge your payroll deduction to support IPC! You pledge between now and December 14th, and the payroll deductions begin in 2021. Learn more about this charitable workplace giving program here, and find IPC on Page 33! Pick IPC (46-3399793) on your Maryland State Employee form. Click here to give!

Our goal is to collect $1,000 in pledges. Make your pledge, or let people who are State Employees or Retirees know about us and encourage them to pick IPC for their workplace giving!


In Pennsylvania...

We’re counting down the days to November 20th when we'll be participating in the Lancaster Extraordinary Give! We need your help to make our campaign a success:

  • Share with your friends. Online days of giving are successful because of our own networks. Help us grow our network by letting your friends and family know about IPC and our work, and invite them to join you in supporting us. 
  • Be socially (media) active. Use your social media networks: post on Facebook, tweet about ExtraGive, and share your love for your particular passion, whether it’s education, health care, animals, or the arts. Ask others to do the same. Look for some posts starting soon!
  • Become a fundraising champion. Everyone loves a champion, including us! We really need fundraising champions to help drive people to our ExtraGive profile on November 20th. Contact us for more information on how to become a fundraising champion!
  • Check out our page here, and check back for updates as we get closer to the date. 

You'll be hearing more about this in the weeks to come - thank you in advance for your support!

Our goal for the November 20th Extraordinary Give is $1,000.