Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church is located in the Jones Falls watershed in Baltimore City. A cluster of churches are located in this area, including Corpus Christi Catholic Church and Memorial Episcopal Church. This group of three churches hosted a series of educational programs together in 2018 and over 100 people participated, demonstrating the reach congregations have when they work together. They have also hosted several educational programs on their own including energy workshops to help people go solar at home, a youth canoe trip (with funding from a mini-grant) and a presentation by Doug Tallamy. They also helped a neighborhood school plant trees and install raised garden beds. In the summer of 2020 they prepared a grant application to secure funding for a renovation of their courtyard area to include a cistern and native plants, plus tree bed expansions and native plantings around the exterior of their church. In 2021 they launched their new Brown Green Team webpage. Check it out HERE for more information about their environmental work. To learn more about this congregation, click here.
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