We are delighted to welcome Sarah Lane and Rev. Steve Verkouw to IPC’s Board of Directors.  Sarah and Steve started their three-year terms in January 2023, and we look forward to their guidance and input.  Sarah will serve on the Finance committee and Steve will serve on the Development & Communications committee.

IPC's Governing Board Leadership for 2023We are also pleased to announce new executive leadership of the board for 2023: Tonya Sanders, Chair; Laura Cattell Noll, Vice-Chair; Le-Marie Thompson continues as Treasurer; and Samia Rab Kirchner, Secretary.  These dynamic leaders make up IPC’s first all-female slate of Executive Leaders. While the staff execute the day to day activities, the IPC Board directs the vision and mission of the organization, develops long-term strategy and direction, and oversees the fiscal integrity and stewardship of funds.

Thank you to all our Board members who volunteer their time and talents to guide and direct IPC. We are excited to work with you in 2023!

IPC Welcomes New Board Members Sarah Lane and Rev. Steve Verkouw Sarah Lane, is the Director of the Center for Policy, Planning, and Communication for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Chesapeake and Coastal Service.  She has 15+ years of experience in environmental policymaking and program management with the University of Maryland and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.  Sarah leads efforts to identify water quality restoration projects, as well as climate mitigation and adaptation opportunities, and using a data-driven approach, integrates effective techniques into best management practices.  Sarah was awarded both a Project of Excellence Award from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, National Water Program and the Stoneroller Award from the Chesapeake Stormwater Network.  Sarah became familiar with IPC while working with her church’s Green Team to implement a rain garden project.  IPC looks forward to Sarah’s expert guidance on stormwater management strategy and implementation, and her assistance in helping staff and board members refine their understanding of the role that faith-based projects play in watershed-wide restoration efforts.

“My environmental ethic is grounded in my faith, and working with IPC gives me the opportunity to link these values and act on enhancing water quality, creating habitat and advancing climate justice.”

IPC Welcomes New Board Members Sarah Lane and Rev. Steve Verkouw

Rev. Steve Verkouw, since 1995 has served as the Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  During Grace Lutheran’s 2020 renovation, he helped add a large stormwater retention project, reducing stormwater inputs to the Chesapeake Bay watershed.  He volunteered for seven years as the Dean of the Lancaster Conference of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, as well as holding positions at Lancaster Theological Seminary as an Adjunct Faculty Member and Ministerial Studies Guide.  In addition to ministering to his congregation, Steve supports the wellbeing of the broader community.  He helped found, and currently directs, a nonprofit housing corporation serving low to moderate income tenants (LHANDS – Lancaster Housing and Neighborhood Development).  For the last few years, Steve served on IPC’s Lancaster Task Force, a group of residents who have been guiding and supporting our outreach in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  In this role he has been a tremendous help in increasing IPC’s growth in Lancaster County, including hosting events at his church, speaking at events, and supporting our participation in the County’s annual ExtraGive fundraiser.  IPC looks forward to Steve continuing to help us guide our work in Lancaster County and grow our presence, connections, and partnerships in Pennsylvania.

"Working with the Lancaster Task Force of IPC has been a great experience - we have tried to spread the word about our connections to the Bay, and encourage congregations to take more responsibility for stewarding those connections through fun, informative, and consequential community events.  I look forward to joining the Board, contributing to the bigger picture of IPC's work, as well as continuing to serve as part of the "channel" from IPC into our work on the ground here in Lancaster County."


Thank you both for your commitment towards Interfaith Partners and our work to restore and honor the Chesapeake Bay.