“Without a vision, the people [and watershed] perish.”  (Proverbs 29:18)

If you haven’t been following the latest developments with the proposed expansion of  Dominion’s Cove Point processing facility in Calvert County and its potential impacts on our (and the whole nation’s) Chesapeake Bay watershed community, then it’s time to take notice.

Dominion Resources proposes converting an existing facility located in a residential area into a massive export terminal for liquid natural gas (LNG), the only one of its kind along the eastern seaboard.

Envision this:

  • International shipping tankers (to export the LNG) will be a common sight in the Chesapeake; discharged water ballast will have unforeseen consequences on Bay ecosystems
  • The increased LNG production will require an expanded system of pipelines to transport it through the wetlands and woodlands of the Chesapeake watershed in Maryland and Virginia to get it to the Cove Point facility
  • With the availability of an international exporting facility, hydraulic fracturing to produce LNG will increase dramatically
  • Fuel prices will rise as LNG is shipped to other nations rather than staying here in the U.S. to offset domestic demands
  • Expansion of an international LNG exporting facility in a residential area will be grossly out of balance.

Dominion Resources has been allowed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to conduct a less-rigorous impact assessment, called an Environmental Assessment (EA), rather than the more appropriate and in-depth impact assessment called the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EA resulted in a “Finding of No Significant Impact” (FONSI).

Was this a fair and honest evaluation of all potential impacts?

Did Dominion Resources truthfully envision how this project fits within a balanced web of life?

Is this a vision that reflects love for all Creation?

To ask these questions and demand honest answers,

  • Attend the FERC’s ONLY planned public meeting:

12485 Southern Connector Blvd, Lusby, MD

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake envisions a time when faith communities throughout the Chesapeake Watershed community will have a deep appreciation of the sanctity of Creation and will care and advocate for it through their words and actions.

Will you envision with us?


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