oscar_romero_opt.jpgThe Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar de Romero, was a peace activist who spoke out against poverty and social injustice in San Salvador and was assassinated in 1980 while leading service. These are few excerpts from a prayer he wrote:  “The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision. We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for God’s grace to enter and do the rest.”

Different faiths find different paths to environmentalism. Christian beliefs refer to us as stewards of Creation.  Muslims find common ground by seeing themselves as travelers passing through and that they need to be responsible visitors during their time here. There will be travelers after us, just as there were travelers before us. Jews are called to “repair the world” through the tenets of Tikkun Olam. Much like Oscar de Romero’s prayer, our work here is but a step along the way, a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work.  We know God calls us to be Stewards of the Earth – we hear this in Genesis 1 in the Old Testament. We also know that God calls us to love one another.

As people of faith – we can be leaders in this conversation and catalyze a return to balance – on behalf of the least among us. We answer to something greater than “the bottom line.” We can push ourselves to act out of moral imperative rather than convenience. We can begin to see how protecting the environment is intertwined with caring for our brothers and sisters. Once we connect the dots, it’s really hard to see it any other way. And, it’s hard not to act.

So, let us get started with what we can actually change – our lives, our surroundings, our community. Let us trust in God’s plan. Find out who else is in your “watershed community” – IPC can help you do that. Work together with others in your watershed community to affect change in your corner of the world.  As Oscar de Romero said in that prayer, “We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work.”  

(Read Jodi Rose, IPC Executive Director’s full remarks to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Annapolis HERE)

Action Alert: Stop Cove Point

On July 10th the Climate Reality Check coalition will be holding a special conference call a few days before the big Stop Fracked Gas Exports demonstration in Washington, D.C. on July 13th. The call will take place at 3 pm eastern/2 pm central/1 mountain/noon pacific. RSVP and send questions for the call  - Even if you can’t make it on the 10th, register to receive a recording of the call. The call-in number is 209-647-1600 Code 615986. 

Learn more 
about the Stop Fracked Gas Export demonstration

Multifaith Contingent in Rally to Stop Fracked Gas Exports at Cove Point & Beyond Sun, July 13, 11:30am – 4:00pm RSVP to: [email protected]

Want Clean Water?

Baltimore– Contact [email protected] for more information on the Blue Water Congregations program, which offers congregations the financial, technical, and spiritual guidance needed to implement projects on your grounds. See what Faith Presbyterian Church is up to with this program HERE.

How will those stormwater fees be spent? Share your ideas with Baltimore City representatives at these community meetings.

Anne Arundel County – RiverWise Congregations offers congregations technical and financial assistance, plus trains a Master Watershed Steward at a significantly reduced price.  Have you wanted to become a trained Steward? Now’s your chance – and you can help your congregation at the same time! Contact [email protected] for more information.

Attendance of one Informational Session is required prior to application.   Please register for a session at http://www.aawsa.org/.  If you are unable to attend any of the sessions listed below, please contact Suzanne Etgen @ [email protected], 410 222 3831  to schedule a meeting.

July 29th   6 -7:30 pm                                                       August 19th 7-8:30 pm    
Severn Branch Library                                                          Deale Community Library                                          
2624 Annapolis Road, Severn, MD                                       5940 Deale-Churchton Road, Deale, MD
August 7th  7-8:30 pm                                                       September 4th 6-7:30 pm
Location TBD                                                                        Arlington Echo Outdoor Education
                                                                                            975 Indian Landing Rd., Millersville, MD
August 14th  12pm -1:30 pm 
Annapolis Library
1410 West Street, Annapolis MD

Want Trees?
There are many courses of action you can take, and one of them is the 10,000 Trees heal the brokenness in the web of life by absorbing and filtering water, providing food and habitat for many species, creating shade, and reducing air temperatures. In short, they heal land, air, and water. And, this program gives us an opportunity to talk to you about other things your congregation can do to affect change in your community.  Read here about the 10,000 Trees Program or email Kolya Braun-Greiner, 10,000 Trees Program Coordinator, [email protected]

Want to jump start your green ministry?

Get your congregation “in gear” this summer so you can hit the ground running this fall. Invite us to lead a Visioning Session with your green ministry and let’s see what we can build together! Don’t miss an opportunity to embark on a journey with support from IPC, other partners, and other congregations. Read here about the Covenantal Partners Program, or email [email protected].

Want Inspiration?

IPC now has a Speaker’s Bureau! If your congregation would like a speaker, please contact [email protected]. Speakers are free and can cover a variety of topics and locations. Thank you to our fabulous volunteers who are donating their time to inspire others.

Want to Volunteer?

Join us as a volunteer so that together our impact will be greater. Please email [email protected] if you would like to help with the following:

Advocacy Work – Stop Cove Point, Pesticides Database, and other issues

Database support

Staff the IPC booth at events in your community

Communications (website, database, Facebook page, Twitter)

Visit congregations in your area to invite them to engage in stewardship

Volunteer Coordination



Board committees - Communications, Fundraising, Programs

Financial Donations

What is your skill? If you have a talent you can share with us, let us know so we can find a place for you!


Bonnie Sorak