Ever wondered what congregations in the Chesapeake Bay watershed are doing to care for Creation? Are you looking for inspiration on new environmental project and program ideas for your own congregation? Do you want to connect with other congregations in your region?

IPC is excited to announce the launch of our new Skills Matrix, an online tool that tracks all of the projects and programs implemented by congregations within IPC’s network. It includes information on the type of project or program, the technical partner that the congregation worked with, the date that the action was implemented, and the region where the congregation is located. 

The Skills Matrix can be found on the Resources page of our website. There are two different versions of the matrix – one for projects (think large-scale, in the ground actions like rain gardens and cisterns), and one for programs (think educational workshops or nature walks).

The Matrix is categorized by type of action. Clicking on one type of action will open a dropdown menu where you can see all of the congregations that have implemented that action. You can also use the search bar in the upper right-hand corner to do a narrower search, e.g., a specific congregation, region, or date.

This tool showcases the incredible work that local congregations have done to protect and restore the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Indeed, the numbers revealed by the Skills Matrix are quite staggering. With over 200 projects, and more than 320 programs documented, the Matrix is a testament to the power of collective effort. 

Yet the drive to conserve our local waterways is ongoing, and the matrix will only continue to grow as more congregations join the movement. If your congregation has completed a project or program that you do not see in the matrix, let us know! We would love to include your efforts in our records.

For more information on the skills matrix, please email [email protected].