Parts of our region saw tremendous rainfall in the past few weeks. Rivers raged with runoff from the surrounding impervious areas. This photo shows Herring Run in Baltimore roaring after 6 inches of rain. Flash flood warnings were popping up everywhere. A sinkhole in Baltimore swallowed one side of a city block. The derailment of a coal-carrying train and related landslide in Prince George’s County are also thought to be connected to the heavy rainfall. Climate change manifests itself in extreme weather, and as unsustainable development continues, the impact of this extreme weather will keep challenging human resiliency. Of course, the affluent will be affected the least, and the poor will be affected the most. A web of life out of balance.

This is our cue.

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake mobilizes people and communities of faith to catalyze a return to balance – a return to the wholeness that our Creator lovingly intended for us. And, as if to say, “You are right where I need you,” landslides and sinkholes in our own backyards should tell us there’s plenty of need right here at home, in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Let us not be overwhelmed by the gravity of these news headlines, rather let us start working with what we know - the communities where we live. Many faith communities around the world are speaking out about this call to action (this beautiful video was inspired by such movement within the faith community). Let us pick up our yoke, too, and get to work right here at home.

How do you get started?

There are many courses of action you can take, and one of them is the 10,000 Trees Program! Trees heal the brokenness in the web of life by absorbing and filtering water, providing food and habitat for many species, creating shade, and reducing air temperatures. In short, they heal land, air, and water. And, this program gives us an opportunity to talk to you about other things your congregation can do to affect change in your community. Kolya Braun-Greiner, our 10,000 Trees Program Coordinator, reflected on the great gift of trees, which you can read on our website.

Want more ideas on how to help restore balance right here in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed?

Join Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake and other presenters in a free webinar to be held this Thursday, May 22nd, at 7:30 pm, sponsored by the Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light. The webinar will cover Greening your Grounds including stormwater management efforts and wildlife habitat restoration. To register, click here

Finally, check out other engagement opportunities below and on our Programs page, read about St. Mary’s of Annapolis and their projects (our newest Featured Congregation on bottom right side of our home page), visit our Bulletin Board for other organizations’ offerings, or contact us to post your ideas. We must work together, each of us doing our part, and we must begin right here in our own back yard.

If we start with what we know, we are starting with what we can change.

Keep up your good work!

Jodi Rose

Stormwater Management Projects

Baltimore Congregations - Read about Blue Water Congregations and how to get projects done on your property! Or contact [email protected] for more information.

Anne Arundel County - Read about RiverWise Congregations and get started! Or contact [email protected] for more information.

Prince George’s County - the PGDER wants to work with you! Read about their Alternative Compliance Program and get their help.

Throughout the Chesapeake watershed – even outside of Maryland - to learn more about stormwater management for your property, contact [email protected] and we will find a watershed group or technical advisor near you to come speak to you and help you get started.

Covenantal Partners Program
IPC wants to walk with you and support your congregation’s green ministry. Invite us to lead a Visioning Session with your green ministry and let’s see what we can build together! Don’t miss an opportunity to embark on a journey with support from IPC, other partners, and other congregations. Learn about the Covenantal Partners Program on our website, or email [email protected].

Need Inspiration?
IPC now has a Speaker’s Bureau! If your congregation would like a speaker, please contact [email protected]. Speakers are free and can cover a variety of topics and locations. Thank you to our fabulous volunteers who are donating their time to inspire others.

Call for Volunteers/Support
Join us as a volunteer so that together our impact will be greater. Please email [email protected] if you would like to help with the following:

Advocacy Work – Stop Cove Point, Pesticides Database, and other issues
Staff the IPC booth at events in your community
Communications (website, database, Facebook page)
Visit congregations in your area to invite them to engage in stewardship
Volunteer Coordination
Board committees - Communications, Fundraising, Programs
In-Kind Donations such as printing or supplies

What is your skill? If you have a talent you can share with us, let us know so we can find a place for you!