The Islamic Society of Baltimore has been actively engaged in restoration and stewardship, and is fulfilling its duties in caring for a stream on its property.
During the milder months ISB's Green Team organizes Adopt-A-Highway events in order to clean up the trash in its surrounding area in order to help keep the waterways clean. Recently, they have applied for two grants to help them become even better stewards of their property. They are hoping to hold an Outreach and Education Campaign regarding the reduction of single use packaging and encouraging more collection of recycling at their mosque.
Just as well, they have applied for a grant to help them develop a master plan on how to best mitigate the polluted stormwater from their impervious surfaces. They also hope to receive funding to help them to maintain the forested areas on ISB grounds. IPC is excited to see what this congregation does next.
For more information on Islamic Society of Baltimore, click here.
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