On Saturday, May 11th from 9am to noon, hear from Master Gardeners speak about specific topics including native plants, invasive species, and the sacredness of gardening --
Our Plant/Seed/Supply Swap is a gathering to share gardening & landscaping ideas, supplies and knowledge for a healthier future for people and the environment. With 2 Master Gardener speakers and an invasive plant education table as well as an emphasis on native plants and growing edibles, First Presbyterian Church of Howard County (FPCHC), is encouraging everyone to plant thoughtfully and enjoy a green, fruitful season.
Between each of the talks, participate in a supply swap with the chance to also trade seeds and plants, including houseplants, vegetables, and landscape natives.
To tell about garden supplies you will donate/want or to help us with the swap use this link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/plantswap
This event will happen rain or shine with the chance for early plant, seed, and supply drop offs TBD.
Please label your plants prior to the event so that you can place them into one of the correct categories upon arrival:
- Garden plants
- Houseplants
- Sun
- Shade
- Supplies
- Seeds
Labels to provide information about the seed or the plant type and needs (sun, water, soil types) will be available to fill out. If you are donating a plant, please shake dirt off roots and rinse them off or dunk in a bucket and swish. This is to prevent transmitting unwanted bulbs, seeds, plants or invasive worms to another person’s property.
Since it's a swap, bring supplies, seeds or plants to share with others! Bring bags or boxes to use to take your swap selections with you.
Be careful what you bring to the plant swap! Review the “BAD Plants Planted by Good People” article for more information! Please, no invasive plants like Pachysandra or Monkey Grass or Yellow Iris.
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