Session 1: Praise and Lament Tour
"I was able to understand the true importance of interconnectivity of the watershed."
This session was held at Jug Bay Wetland Sanctuary and was facilitated by the Center for Spirituality in Nature and Jug Bay ecologists. Participants had an introduction to creation care rooted in faith, drawing extensively from Laudato Si’. They paddled in the wetland with stops for ecology anecdotes and reflections on creation care.
Session 2: Environmental Justice
“To be able to connect God, people, and nature helped me to see that I have a responsibility.”
Participants met at the Eagle Harbor Community Center. Fred Tutman, Patuxent Riverkeeper, facilitated the day’s program. Fred gave an overview of the Eagle Harbor community, its history as a safe-haven resort for African Americans founded in the 1920s and its challenged relationship with the nearby coal-fired power plant. The group paddled along Eagle Harbor's shore, approaching the plant as Fred offered additional anecdotes and commentary. Three town Commissioners joined the young adults to share their experiences in Eagle Harbor and touched on how they relate to the plant. The session closed with extended time for personal reflection and group discussion.
Session 3: Responding in Faith
"I got to actually see a parish living out mindful care for creation by implementing a cistern and rain garden."
This session was held at St. Camillus Church. The keynote address, “Advocacy as an Act of Faith,” was given by Shantha Ready Alonso, Executive Director of Creation Justice Ministries. Jodi Rose from IPC considered our “Circles of influence” as we define advocacy efforts. Trey Sherard from Anacostia Riverkeeper guided participants on a tour of St. Camillus’ water cistern and conservation landscaping. After lunch, a panel of advocates shared specific tactics in advocacy and how young people of faith can be involved. The session closed with a moving and personal time of reflection, sharing, and prayer.
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IPC is planning to offer another interfaith program for young adults in the future. Stay tuned!
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