How to recruit members for your green team
**All attendees must come to the Green Team Leaders Training with at least 2 other people from their congregation, because there is no such thing as "a team of 1."
Are you a "lone green sheep" or someone struggling to recruit green team members to come to the training? We are here to help you achieve this goal!
Here are 3 steps you can take:
1. Get approval from your faith leader. See this Sample Script for a Conversation with Your Faith Leader.
2. Find and Share your Environmental Story to Inspire Others - What inspired you to engage in and care for the environment? Use this Environmental Identity resource to help you articulate your environmental story. Then start a conversation with others and invite them to tell you their story. In this personal way, find other kindred spirits in your congregation who can join you at the training.
3. Find Green Team Members using this resource and sign them up to join you.
Try out these additional ideas and add your own!
- Post or insert a Bulletin Announcement inviting people to join your team and say you'll be available to talk with them during coffee hour.
- Ask your spiritual leader to make an announcement during services and stand in the back afterwards with a clipboard and pen to record interested people's name and phone number.
- Hang out at the Recycling Bins during coffee hour to meet the people who recycle!
- Host an environmental movie night and maybe the folks who sign up are interested in forming a team. Need movie ideas? Email us for for help.
- Observe bumper stickers in your parking lot - see who has environmental stickers! Wait for them by their car and strike up a conversation.
- Share the flyers about the Green Team Training during your coffee hour.
Need more help building your green team? Contact [email protected] for some support and guidance.
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