Bolton Street Synagogue is the spiritual home of over 200 Baltimore families. Their commitment as a progressive, inclusive Jewish community includes actively caring about environmental stewardship. The Bolton Street Synagogue property abuts the Stony Run Creek, which runs through the City of Baltimore into the Chesapeake Bay. Thanks to the deeply committed Bolton Street Synagogue Green Team, their work towards building a healthier Earth is underway. The Bolton Street Synagogue Green Team has taken a number of caring actions that demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
The Bolton Street Synagogue Team has worked to remove invasive species around the trails of Stony Run Creek, freeing trees of English ivy, porcelain berry, and other nonnative harmful plants. They've also worked to plant native plants on their grounds. At their Cold Spring Lane entrance, the Green Team is adding native plants that beautify the area and attract pollinators. Bolton Street Synagogue is also home to a flourishing native plant garden that began in 2019. In 2021, the garden received Bay-Wise and Bird-Friendly certifications. Additionally, they secured an open space grant from the City of Baltimore that includes a ban on development in the meadow behind their building. Today, the Green Team continues to work to remove invasive plants, while planting and caring for native flora and fauna. They envision continuing to make positive impacts on the Chesapeake Bay watershed in the future.
You can find more information about Bolton Street Synagogue here!
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