The Anne Arundel County One Water Partnership is an expanding hub of Partner Congregations and technical partners to complete projects that care for Creation.

Get involved and join us for an upcoming regional event:

If you would like to learn more about how your congregation can join the One Water Partnership in Anne Arundel County, please contact us at [email protected] or by phone at (410) 609-6852.

Congregations in Anne Arundel County are eligible to receive $500 of "seed" funding to help start and sustain a creation care ministry or "Green Team". To qualify a congregation needs to:

  1. Send a team of preferably 3 or more members to IPC's Faithful Green Leaders Training
  2. Sign the IPC Partner Congregation Pledge
  3. Commit to installing or maintaining a "green infrastructure" practice that has direct positive water quality impact like planting trees, installing a cistern or rain garden, or conservation/native plant garden (see Anne Arundel Menu for Action)

Special thanks to all of One Water Partnership partners and pledge-signing congregations