Are trees nature's "cure-all"? Join us on this webinar as we learn the benefits of trees to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
What exactly are the contributions that trees make to watershed health and restoration? What can we learn from them as we work toward restoring and protecting the Bay? Best of all, where and how can you get trees to plant?
Listen and participate in the discussion as we hear from Al Todd, a current Board Member who spent most of his career working for the US Forest Service.
We'll also hear from communities and congregations that have planted trees on their grounds, in a local watershed and/or have encouraged their neighbors to plant trees on their home properties.
Sun Photo by Karl Merton Ferron
One of our guest green leaders will be Doris Terrell-Minor, leader of the New Broadway East Community Association, who will talk about their efforts to bring about community greening in their Baltimore City neighborhood which faces many health inequities.
Another tree planting was organized at Dayspring Retreat Center where volunteers planted 50 native trees on May 1, 2021. We'll hear from the coordinator of this project, Margie Lance, member of the Dayspring Church mission group called Earth Ministry.
A third tree planting story of community engagement will be shared by Ann Payne of the Frederick Friends
Meeting and the Multi-faith Alliance for Climate Stewards, which successfully planted 1,000 trees with Stream-Link, a program to repair and restore eroded streams in Frederick County.
Join us to learn about the benefits to planting trees, and inspire your Green Team to help restore the Bay!
These webinars are designed to supplement the core Faithful Green Leaders Training, but everyone is welcome to participate.
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