Despite the turmoil surrounding all of us due to the global pandemic and protests in our streets, IPC’s congregational partners have found innovative ways to take actions that have immediate positive outcomes today that will continue on long into the future. Saint Thomas Episcopal Church located in Baltimore County recently planted a pollinator garden on their grounds. They worked out a way that the volunteers could remain masked and socially distanced while planting the native plants. Thanks to Donna Eden, their Green Team leader, Barbara Shea and Frances Horich planting leaders; helpers Betsy Wilmerding, Abby Mears, Meg Walton and Donna. Ricky Sigai, helped with mulching and watering. It lifts our spirits to see beautiful things can still happen.

Saint Mark Roman Catholic Church, located in Fallston Maryland, participated in the Healthy Forests, Healthy Waters Tree Planting program. The church is blessed with a large property and were willing to turn over 1.5 acres for 525 trees to be planted at no cost to the congregation.  Frank Lopez, IPC’s  lead volunteer at Saint Mark’s, was raised in the Laurel Highlands in Western, PA in the 60s and 70s. There he was free to roam in the mountain woods. At 14 years old, he entered St. Francis High School Seminary in Cincinnati, OH where he learned about St. Francis of Assisi and his love for creation. After seminary, Frank pursued a career in forestry. Most of the work he has done over the past 33 years has been to help restore forests and habitat along waterways in the Chesapeake Bay water shed to help improve the water quality. He says, “It has been a labor of love.”

We know that many of our congregations are actively involved through their social justice and outreach ministries in trying to help people in need due to this crisis with food, shelter and other resources. IPC has received some information about:

Find these, as well as much needed spiritual resources, on our Resources for COVID-19 webpage.