About this EventĀ
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church's Green Team invites you to an online screening of the powerful new documentary, The Story of Plastic, followed by a discussion on Zoom with a panel of experts on Wednesday, October 14th from 6:30- 8:00 p.m.
THE STORY OF PLASTIC takes a sweeping look at the crisis of plastic pollution and its catastrophic harm to all life on our planet. Spanning three continents, the film illustrates the ongoing catastrophe: fields full of garbage, mountains of trash, rivers and seas clogged with waste, and skies choked with the poisonous emissions from plastic production and processing. With engaging original animation, archival industry footage beginning in the 1930s, and first-person accounts of this unfolding emergency, the film distills this complex problem while laying out what corporations as well as individuals need to do. A TRAILER CAN BE SEEN AT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37PDwW0c1so
During our discussion of the film we will talk about Sherwood Hill's impact on the Loch Raven Watershed and what we can do to limit our impact.
CLICK HERE to register to receive a link to view the 95-minute documentary which will be sent to you on October 7th to watch at your convenience before 6:30 on October 14th. The Zoom link will be sent on Wednesday, October 14th.
Hosted by Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
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