Contact Deacon Beverly Anderson [email protected] (443) 668.9416

Mount_Lebanon_Baptist_Church_Cistern.jpgThe Mount Lebanon Baptist Church Creation Care Ministry needs your help! Help us to beautify the front and side Campus of MLBC.  On Saturday November 20, 2021, 9:30 am –12:30 pm is an opportunity for Students to earn Service-Learning Hours.

Using our electric pump, we will drain the water from the Cistern. Bring bottles & jugs to fill to save the rain water to nourish your house plants during the winter months. Last year Sister Tanwa while draining the Cistern, Sister Tanwa used the rain water to wash her car as well as filled jugs to water house plants.

 Come with your shovel or rack to help to mulch rain gardens and grounds for the winter.

 Students may earn Service-Learning Hours. Bring your form to be signed.

 Thank you for your support. For questions and to let us know you are coming call us.


Deacon Beverly Anderson (443) 668.9416

Sister Tanwa M. Suma (443)520.8462

MLBC Creation Care Ministry


MLBC CREATION CARE Vision: The MLBC Green Team is dedicated to developing creation programs/activities for adults and children which increase awareness and educate the congregation and community at large to take better care of the environment. 

 We are called to speak and act on behalf of God’s creations.

We are called to pay heed to the health and well-being of the earth and all living things.

We are called to recognize that humanity’s fate is totally linked to our planet’s fate. Our individual and collective choices make a difference. 

We are called to inspire and equip the faithful to heal this fragile earth, our island home.

We are called to choose sustainable practices in all facets of our daily lives, church, home, work and our community.