Contact Adam Greene [email protected]

Wellspring cordially invites you to Mixing of the Waters (Lenape: Òspèkwe Wiàmkixën), an intertribal Council of Indigenous Elders, Wisdom-Keepers, and Community Leaders, coming together in Circle with allies around our common heart, the Earth.

To register, please visit:

This gathering will include dialogue, sharing, storytelling, and ceremony, offering the opportunity to both learn and build relationships. 

Learning topics will include Indigenous Environmental Justice, MMIWG2S (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirits), Indigenous Sovereignty, Food Sovereignty, and the Earth-centered, spiritual response we can give together to our various global crises.

Attendance schedule:

Full-weekend attendees

  • Friday 11/15: Check in anytime between 3pm-6pm. Our first activity together will be dinner at 6:30pm
  • Saturday 11/16: Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served
  • Sunday 11/17: Breakfast and lunch will be served
  • Overnight lodging, 2 to a room, will be provided

Saturday-only attendees

  • Enjoy breakfast at 8:30am, lunch, and dinner
  • Stay, if desired, into the evening


To give impulse to a gift-based economy of abundance, we are relying solely on donations to fund this event. We believe money should not determine who has a seat at the community-building table.

Donations will cover travel, meal and lodging expenses of our Indigenous Elders, Wisdom-Keepers and Community Leaders, and a stipend of gratitude; and meal and lodging expenses for attendees.

We need to raise $15,000.00 just to cover expenses. Suggested donations:

  • ~25 full-weekend attendees @ $532.00/person | 532 = the years since 1492
  • ~15 Saturday-only attendees @ $166.60/person | 1666 = the year the English colony of Maryland signed the Articles of Peace and Amity treaty with 12 Indigenous Nations including the Piscataway

All excess funds will be donated to Piscataway Indian Nation.

It is NOT necessary to donate, to register!

To register, donate, or both, please visit:

Help us spread the word. Download the flyer HERE and share!