"God's Water Heroes, Splash Into Living Waters" Vacation Bible School or Sunday School Curriculum
for Prince George's County Congregations
Looking for a curriculum for your next Vacation Bible School, faith-based Summer Camp or for lesson plans for your Sunday School/after-school program?
We are delighted to offer a FREE curriculum, including training and a supply kit. The program is focused on caring for God’s waters of Creation within our local watershed. Water is God’s blessing, essential for all life!
The curriculum, entitled “"God's Water Heroes, Splash Into Living Waters", offers interactive games, activities, and learning for elementary through middle school students. The modules are: 1) Water at the Beginning of Creation; 2) Water is Life; 3) Trees for Life; 4) Loving Our Neighbor: Caring for Water; and 5) God’s “still small voice” in nature (1 Kings 19:11-13).
Also included is a Three-Session Training for religious educators, Sunday School teachers, children and youth leaders, and anyone hoping to teach such a program at your church. The training will occur in Spring 2018. One of the sessions will be a field trip on the Anacostia River so that you can have a direct experience of your local watershed, its beauty, and its challenges. You have an opportunity to reflect upon how God is calling us to care for it.
Be part of this unique and exciting program that will enrich not only the children and youth of your congregation, but your families as well. We hope to help deepen their appreciation and enjoyment of the precious waters that God has provided for all of us, and instill a sense of commitment to care for present and future generations through our watershed’s well being.
We’re pleased to announce that St. Stephen's Baptist Church, Mt. Ennon Baptist Church, Fort Washington Baptist Church, Walker Mill Baptist Church, Jerusalem AME, Richie Baptist Church, Union Bethel AME, and First Baptist Church of North Brentwood have participated in this program last year. Questions? Please contact Bonnie Sorak at [email protected] or call 443-779-0349.
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