Where Zoom
Contact Sarah Hall Redden [email protected] 2407072124

Join us for our Green Leaders Gather & Check-in via Zoom on next Thursday January 16th at 7pm! So mark your calendars and please register on this page by clicking the RSVP button.

If you are unable to attend please fill out this survery to let us know what you have done or plan for the future. Once you register you will receive an email response containing a Zoom link for this gathering. We'll also send you reminders!

What will we do?

  • Share a sampling of stories from green teams who have taken action since their training. 
  • Offer time for your questions and ideas. 
  • Meet with your IPC Regional staff person.
  • Take this survey to let us know what you have done or plan for the future. 

Resources for your Green Team: 

Don't forget to register for the first Learning Lab of 2025 by clicking HERE!!

Regional Staff Contacts:                                                                                                     

  • Bonnie Sorak: [email protected] - Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Howard, Harford 
  • John Collins: [email protected]Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Howard, Harford 
  • Mollie Rudow [email protected] - Anne Arundel, Baltimore County
  • Sarah Redden: [email protected] - Montgomery, Prince George's, Frederick Counties, D.C.
  • Ebony Jenkins: [email protected] - Eastern Shore, MD - Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Caroline, Talbot
Will you come?