Where Online
Contact Sarah Redden [email protected] 240-707-2124

Join us for the gathering of green team leaders to conduct our check-in with you so that ideas, actions and inspiration can be shared with everyone! 

The gathering will happen via Zoom on May 12th, from 7 to 8pm. So mark your calendars and please register on this page by clicking the RSVP button.

Once you register you will receive an email response containing a Zoom link for this gathering! And we'll also send reminders leading up to then.  

What will we do?
  • Share a sampling of stories from green teams who have taken action since their training. 
  • Offer time for your questions and ideas. 
  • Meet with your IPC Regional staff person.
  • Take this survey to let us know what you have done or plan for the future. 

Resources for your Green Team: [email protected]

Regional Staff Contacts:
Bonnie Sorak: [email protected] - Baltimore & Howard Counties
Taylor Swanson: [email protected] - Anne Arundel & Eastern Shore
Katie Ruth: [email protected] - Harford County & Lancaster, PA
Anna Awimbo: [email protected] - Prince George's Counties, D.C.
Sarah Redden: [email protected] - Montgomery, Prince George's, Frederick Counties, D.C.

We look forward to seeing you on May 12th!



Will you come?