Where Webinar



"Spread over us the sukkah of Your peace." -- evening prayer service

This Sukkot, as we spend time outdoors and contemplate our interconnectedness with each other and with nature, let’s commit to protect our world from more harm: to shift our homes to energy from the sun!

Tuesday, October 6th / 18 Tishrei 5781 at 7 pm Hol hamoed Sukkot Online workshop: 

Join Jewish communities across our region who are coming together with neighbors to repair our damaged climate. Interfaith Power & Light and Civic Works are gathering homeowners in Baltimore City and County, and in Anne Arundel, Harford, and Howard Counties to go solar at home this fall, shifting to cleaner power and creating good sustainable jobs for our neighbors.

Use the zoom app on your phone to join us live from your sukkah, as we discuss together:
* How our energy is made, and its impact on our air and water.
* Reflect on the Jewish call to shift to cleaner power
* Connect with Civic Works’ training programs which are employing Baltimore neighbors in good clean energy jobs.
* Take practical action to save energy at home and to shift to cleaner power, through home energy work, supporting wind and community solar through your energy bills, and going solar at home.
* Join a growing movement that’s speaking out faithfully for strong climate policy in Maryland.

Register for the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdeygrzIuHNEtgmEku6T5ztL7jMWE-L3E
Share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/248439296502900

Shuls and temples in the Baltimore and Annapolis area are co-sponsoring and helping to promote this workshop! Email [email protected] to join us.