Where St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Salisbury MD 302 St Alban's Dr, Salisbury, MD 21804, United States
Contact Susan Ketcham [email protected]


 Congregation working together on a garden.

Our properties and our church properties are part of a watershed system that flows into our local rivers and into our Chesapeake Bay. How we care for our properties can have a dramatic impact on water quality and natural ecosystems, as well as all of the wildlife that depends on these things. Before you spend your gardening budget at the big box stores this spring, let’s get Bay-Wise!

On Wednesday, March 25th, the Lower Shore Land Trust will be hosting a workshop on Bay-Wise landscaping at St. Albans Episcopal Church in Salisbury, MD.  At this workshop we will learn how, together, we can manage our properties to help our local rivers.  We will cover several topics including control of stormwater runoff, encouraging wildlife, protecting the waterfront, mowing and watering efficiently, managing pests, mulching and recycling yard waste, fertilizing wisely, and planting native species.