How to Raise up to $50,000 for your project!
Learn how to find funds to support your Creation care actions and projects.
Please RSVP below for this Learning Lab that will offer funding ideas and strategies to support your congregation's vision for healing the earth, air and water.
Our guest speaker will be Joseph Toolan, Program Assistant for Outreach and Education at the Chesapeake Bay Trust, who will share grant opportunities which are available, how to navigate the grant process and tips for submitting a strong proposal for your project.
We'll hear from Green Leaders of two congregations, Joann Eastlack from Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, Montgomery Village, and Rosemary Flickenger, Kadampa Meditation Center, Baltimore, whose congregations have successfully submitted and received grant funding.
Then we'll offer time for the Solution Circle, a time for you to share. Please bring your questions, ideas, challenges and successes!
These webinars are designed to supplement the Faithful Green Leaders Training, but everyone is welcome to participate.
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