Where Webinar
Contact Kolya Braun-Greiner [email protected] 410-609-6852


IPC is creating a movement to restore and protect the Chesapeake! 

Join us on Tuesday April 6 at 7pm*, as we hear from our very own staff members Matt Heim and Bonnie Sorak share about how the One Water Partnership is forming a network of faith communities, environmental organizations, and government agencies to restore local waterways, therefore improving the overall health of the Chesapeake Bay. 

*Note that this webinar is not on our customary 1st Thursday due to religious holidays.

Projects completed as a part of the One Water Partnership have included: 

  • Multi-faith led nature walks/prayer services
  • Community stream clean ups
  • Tree plantings
  • Rain gardens
  • Pollinator meadows

Come to the discussion with your questions and ideas...help us create a movement! 

Will you come?