Contact Bonnie Sorak [email protected] 443-799-0349


The Broadway East Neighborhood is Going Green!

Meet us in the parking lot of the American Brewery to go for a Nature and Vision Walk through the neighborhood. Learn about the wonders of Creation right here in Broadway East and help form a vision of what is possible for building green space in your vibrant and healthy community.

Our partners from Blue Water Baltimore will lead the nature walk through the neighborhood. Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake will lead participants in reflection and prayer as we go. Neighborhood Design Center will be on hand to gather your thoughts and visions about improvements in the neighborhood.

Please wear a mask and comfortable walking shoes. Dress for the weather. Bring your curiosity and imagination.

Share this walk pdf flyer with clickable registration link or this jpg for social media postings with your congregation members, neighbors, friends and relatives. Or share this Facebook Link:



Want to help plant the trees? Contact Darin Crew at Blue Water Baltimore at [email protected].


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