Healthy Green Maryland Amendment

  1. Watch Kallan's video above and then call your state representatives and ask them to support House Bill 472. Find your legislator's contract information here:
  2. Read up on what this Maryland Constitutional Amendment would do for you. Scroll to the bottom and download the appropriate faith-based talking points about the bill.
  3. Click to Tweet a message in support of the Green Amendment.

Ban on Foam Food Containers

  1. The Foam ban has passed environmental committees in both the Senate and the House and now heads to the full floor in both chambers! All hands on deck to call your state Senators and Delegates and ask them to support SB 285/HB 109. Find your legislator's contact information here:
  2. Click to Tweet a message in support of the Foam Ban.
  3. Not sure what this ban's all about? Click here to read more

Forest Conservation Act Amendments

  1. SB 203/HB 120 - Redefining No Net Loss - We sat down with several legislators on Feb. 27th to talk about the Forest Conservation Act bills. Some legislators are confused about the No Net Loss bill and fear it will halt all development. This is not true. There is nothing in this bill that establishes regulations against development. This bill simply clarifies that Maryland's goal is 40% forest, instead of just 40% tree canopy. Please call your legislator and clarify what this bill is all about and ask them to support it. Find your legislator's contact information here:
  2. SB 234/HB 272 - Fixing the Fee in Lieu System - All is going well with this bill! It has passed the environmental committees in both the House and the Senate and is heading to the full floor in both chambers soon! 
  3. SB 729/HB 735 - Setting up a Task Force to Examine Forest Loss - Barring some drastic amendments from opposition, this bill seems to have the support it needs to move forward. One of the opposing amendments was to expand the scope of the study, risking the task force becomes unmanageable. Organizations are working to fight back bad amendments, but your calls on this would be helpful.
  4. Check out Pastor Sue's Letter to the Editor in the Baltimore Sun -- share it on Social Media.
  5. Check out Rabbi Rain's Letter to the Editor in the Washington Post -- share it on Social Media.
  6. Not sure what any of this is about? Click here to read up on the Forest bills, sign the petition, and get involved.

Bill to Ban Toxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

  1. HB 275 would ban all uses of chlorpyrifos – a toxic, nerve agent pesticide proven to cause brain damage in children and contaminate waterways and wildlife.
  2. Call your elected representatives in the House and ask them to support HB 275. 
  3. Or, sign this petition here to have your note sent directly to your legislator.

Photo Credit: Caitlin Wall, Potomac Conservancy