Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC) educates, supports and inspires people and communities of faith to advocate for the waters of the Chesapeake through policies and practices that promote a healthier environment and healthier people.

IPC envisions a time when people of faith throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed understand their sacred duty to love and respect the Earth and all the life within it. We envision a time when people of faith will act individually and collectively to cherish and protect the land and the water, so that the Earth, its breath, its essence, its creatures, and its people will thrive and be joyful.

We care deeply about the Earth, all its people and life forms, but we focus on water, because water is the essence of all life. The purity of the water is the litmus test for the health of the world. Its health is determined by what we do, the patterns of our lives, the choices we make, the quality of the air, the health of soil. The welfare of all depends on the welfare of the earth’s waters.

Through water, we are unmistakably interconnected. Thus, through our respect and stewardship of water, we demonstrate respect and love for each other and for future generations. We therefore believe that we must work through communities of faith to bring about a transformation of awareness and action that reflects respect for this interconnectedness and the need for restored balance. We are actively seeking opportunities to engage and involve more people and communities in this mission. 

We strive for these goals:

  • Communities of faith will be mindful of the importance of stewardship in everything they do and seek ways to live in harmony with God’s creation.
  • Houses of worship will be models of environmental stewardship in how they conserve and utilize resources, such as water and energy. 
  • People of faith will protect our home – the Chesapeake Watershed – and our neighbors in it from pollution, in sustainable and environmentally just ways. 
  • People of faith will respect the connection between human and environmental health, and work to protect both within the Chesapeake Watershed.
  • People of faith will provide a moral voice for local and Watershed-wide policies and practices that support Bay and human health, such as clean water blueprint, local/state bag bill, pesticide use database, clean energy, etc.

Will you join us? We invite you to stay connectedget involved, and grow in your advocacy for Creation.


